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Monday, July 1, 2024

EU May Be Giving Up On Euro 7 Regulations

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The European Union has been negotiating for a long time with automakers, who have often said that Euro7 regulations are too costly. Now, according to a report on the Politico site, it can be bypassed with the pressure of automotive manufacturers that has been held for a long time.According to the report in Politico, the EU may be planning to abandon the Euro7 standards for green and efficient engines, by addressing the huge challenges in the automotive supply chain and other factors that increase the cost of the car. According to the European Automobile Lobby group ACEA, automakers did not want to spend “millions of euros” on new regulations and had a rather “loud” discussion with the EU commission on this issue.Carlos Tavares, CEO of Stellantis, which is the largest automobile manufacturer company in Europe, made some statements on this issue the other day. The company manager said that Euro7 standards are meaningless and costly, so the money to be spent on these regulations should be spent on the battery systems of electric cars.ACEA, on the other hand, argued that the new standards proposed for automakers were rather irrelevant and unnecessary given the deadlines for the sale of internal combustion engine cars in both the EU and the UK.

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